You may have received an email earlier this week regarding the two planning applications at Radbroke Hall, Over Peover and Holly Tree House, Marthall. That letter stated that the closing date for objections had been extended to 21st January.
This information is incorrect. The date for comments/objections from the general public remains as 24th December for Radbroke Hall and 23rd December for Holly Tree House.
The extended date to 21st January date is only for your Parish Council to make comments.
You may have already submitted a response to either or both applications.
Representatives of the four Parish Councils, Chelford, Ollerton with Marthall, Over Peover and Snelson met via Zoom on Tuesday evening to consider a joint response for each application and have decided to recommend to their own parishes the following;
Radbroke Hall, Over Peover – 20/4747M
- To raise concerns regarding the amount of traffic to be generated by the new development, particularly construction traffic as the planned development is likely to take some years.
- To ensure that construction traffic uses agreed major access routes and the local lanes are signposted as no access routes.
- To seek traffic calming and road safety measures on the local network of lanes that carry traffic to this place from the north and east directions.
- To raise concerns over the height of the proposed new building. It is stated that this building will not exceed the height of the existing tower, however it will make a considerably greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt as the proposed building is substantially larger than the tower and will be easily visible from many of the heavily used footpaths and bridleways to the east of the site. The existing buildings on site, with the exception of the tower, tend to be low-lying and completely screened from view by the landscaping.
Holly Tree House, Marthall – 20/4976
To raise objections to this development for the following reasons;
- It is wholly contrary to National & local Green Belt policy and is contrary to the current Cheshire East Local Plan. It is an inappropriate location for elderly residents, cut off from local amenities.
- There are no “very special circumstances’ that would allow such an intensive development to take place in the Green Belt.
- It will cause serious environmental harm to its locality by way of noise and light pollution.
- There are concerns regarding the local surface water drainage pattern and local flooding which we believe will be made worse by this proposal.
- The considerable increase in traffic created by this development, both during the construction period and when completed will cause considerable harm to the local residents, particularly those living on Pepper St, Chelford Lane, Mill Lane and Stocks Lane.
- The impact on the local surgery and medical facilities, particularly given the likely ages of the residents and the differing types of accommodation shown in the application.
Both applications have road traffic and road safety issues and so all four Parish Councils have agreed jointly to instruct highways consultants to advise them and provide recommendations on what measures should be sought to mitigate this problem. which we believe will become a growing one over time, particularly as there is an increasing number of walkers, riders and cyclists using the local network of lanes.
We realise that with the Christmas celebrations, time is short to make any comments on the Radbroke Hall application or to make objections on the Holly Tree House application, but if you decide to do so then it will help your Parish Council with their efforts on both of them.
You can reply by using the Council’s planning website. Go to View planning applications, insert the application number and then follow the links to comment on each one.
However, you may like to send any comments/objections to your Parish Council that they can take into account in their responses. The address to write to is, council@peoversuperiorandsnelson.org.uk
If you require any help or guidance on submitting your comments please contact us.